NS-1 System Configuration Software
Available to download free of charge, NS-1 is a powerful and intuitive system configuration and simulation tool enabling NEXO users to configure and optimise the performance of any NEXO system by predicting its behaviour in any venue to ensure uniform SPL coverage.
All NEXO Systems are included
An intuitive drag and drop interface includes all NEXO systems and sub bass cabinets, with measured speaker data processed along with complex mathematical data to predict SPL and delay coverage in 3 dimensions. NS-1 combines full acoustical and mechanical computations along with tools for optimising curved vertical array design. A Help section defines mechanical constraints to establish flown system safety, and generates reports for system dimensions, weight, gravity centre position, forces, moments, working load and safety factors.
NS-1 also supports a wide range of Yamaha professional audio speakers and includes AFC Design Assistant, which works closely with Yamaha’s AFC Image to deliver high end immersive audio.
Download NS-1 for free (WINDOWS ONLY)
NS-1 is the essential software tool to ensure focussed, uniform SPL coverage across any given audience geometry.
(Latest version: v4101b69 / Date: 14 January 2025)