“NEXO GEO S was the perfect solution: we were able to get enough PA out there to allow the crowd to hear well and get the job done in the not enough’ time we were allotted,” states Rich Mullen, Principal of EDGE ShowTek. 8x NEXO PS15s, 8x PS10s, 6x CD18s and a Yamaha LS9-16 were also part of the audio production system.
“Because of the limited setup time and the nature of the city block lay-out, we had to use wireless transmission to send signal to the many fills and delays throughout the area. We had to utilize some pretty extensive and complex RF methods to ensure the stability of these sends,” says Mullen. “The amount of media covering the event made the area a virtual minefield of RF. We have a fantastic staff and have developed a host of specialized techniques for this kind of situation. Our history of success in these environments is the reason we typically get the calls for this type of event.”