Zenteno has a long association with NEXO, introducing the brand into Mexico in 2003. Over the years, Tecno Son has acquired 24x GEO S and 32x GEO D10 line array cabinets, 24x CD18 Sub and 8x Alpha eM/B118. With the support of NEXO’s Mexican distributor Representaciones de Audio (REPSA), he has built NEXO into one of the two dominant loudspeaker brands in Mexico, with Tecno Son itself becoming one of the largest sound rental providers in the country.
With 30 years’ experience in the industry, Sergio Zenteno has been a valuable member of NEXO’s STM project since the beginning, “when it was a complete secret!” As a freelance engineer himself, the first person to bring line array itself to Mexico, he has in-depth knowledge of NEXO systems including the large-format GEO D and GEO T arrays.
“Because I’ve been in on the act for years, it was easy to pioneer the STM,” he says, admitting that, “although it is a big investment, it is also a good business decision.” Zenteno refers, of course, to the exceptional SPL specifications of the STM inventory and its unique modularity, which allows him to split it into several small systems or use it altogether, for example on a festival like Vive Latino, Mexico City’s largest music event, in the Foro Sol, Azteca Stadium and other large-scale venues.
His familiarity with other NEXO designs qualifies Zenteno to state that “STM is one of the most powerful PA systems in the world; there are truly amazing innovations in the Mid High M46 drivers and cabinet design. The B112 is an extremely powerful bass cabinet, with a frequency response which overlaps that of the Sub and Main modules, providing increased LF headroom, and the total modularity offered by the rigging and stacking of the system. As a long-time user of NEXO, I can quickly see the heritage of Alpha in this design!”
Further information:
Tecno Son Espectáculos S.A. de C.V.
Tel: 04455 19484873
Fax: 04455 26996010
[email protected]