Handling the sound production and FOH mix, Miguel Gutierrez sent us this report from Caceres, where Spanish rental company Enter Sonido was providing all-NEXO sound systems for the daily audiences of 20,000+.
“Surprisingly this is the first time the sound for this festival has been done by a Spanish company,” says Miguel. “There are two main stages, the Plaza Mayor and the Plaza San Jorge, and both were equipped with GEO line arrays.
“The Plaza Mayor is a square about 120 meters in depth. Here we used a GEO T system, comprising 12x T4805 + 2x T2815 each side. There 20x CD18 subs, groundstacked at four different heights. PS15s provided frontfill, running off a NXAMP. The main system was driven by CAMCO amps with NX processors, and out front, we were mixing on Midas Heritage 3000 and Innovason SY80.
“For the monitor system and drumfill, we used PS15s, with Alpha for sidefill. The monitor mix console was a Yamaha PM5RH.”
Enter Sonido used GEO D for the second Plaza San Jorge stage, matched with CD18 subs, and a couple of GEO S1230s for delay. Once again the monitor system was PS15 and PS10, with Alpha E for sidefill. The monitor sound was all mixed on a Yamaha M7CL48 console.