This year, it was the turn of brothers Chad and Mike Kroeger, Ryan Peake and Daniel Adair, collectively known as Nickelback. The Canadian rock quartet, with five Grammy nominations and over 50 million album sales, filled the outdoor arena with a crowd of about 18,000.
Front-of-house PA was a NEXO STM modular line array system, provided by Fantasy Event Engineering of Austria. Under the supervision of Fantasy’s Hannes Knapp, a multi-national engineering team set up the audio; Jonas Telesch and Norbert Bund joined NEXO tech support engineer Ville Kauhanen.
Left/Right PA: 12x M46 Main and 12x B112 Bass cabinets
36x S118 Subbass cabinets, groundstacked across front of stage
Delay towers @ 60 metres: 10x GEO T4805 + 1x T2815 in each
PS15s for front fill
On the riser were regular Nickelback front-of-house engineer Orris Henry III and system tech David Quigley, currently on a Greatest Hits world tour with the band.