12月 2010 | 未分类 | Live Events | Alpha | Legacy Systems | PS Series | Indonesia

Leading Indonesian rock promoter and local legend Log Zhelebour has staged another of his famous concerts in Tambaksari Stadium Surabaya, Indonesia’s second largest city.

A total of 86x FOH NEXO cabinets were used for the 12 hour outdoor concert that has become a trademark of Log Productions, with an impressive design using 2 main stages and three GEO T line array clusters, configured in L-C-R hangs of 18 cabinets each. 32x CD18 VLF Subs were used to extend the LF and Camco amplifiers provided the power. Alpha EF cabinets were used for side fill coverage and PS15s for musician monitoring.

More than 20 bands performed at the live televised event, enjoyed by over 10,000 locals, who are well accustomed to the quality of entertainment and sound that Log Productions provides for its events.

Log has set the standard for rock ‘n’ roll concert audio in Indonesia, and attributes this success to his use of Nexo concert systems, especially their pride and joy, a GEO T line array system. Since 2004, Log Sound has owned and used the impressive 54-cabinet GEO T system with 32x CD18 directional subs, complemented by large Alpha EF and PS15 monitor systems.

Log Productions concerts have steadily grown to become the largest in the business, and in 2004, the company decided it was time to set and maintain the standard for live rock ‘n’ roll concert sound in Indonesia.

This called for a system that was capable of high power coverage outdoors, delivering clean HF, smooth hi-mid range and very powerful LF to sub. His choice of NEXO GEO T was perfect, and Log is not shy in admitting that the system has played a major role in his live concert production success.

NEXO systems Specialist Scott Mason was sent to service and perform an upgrade for Log Sound’s GEO T system, bringing NXTension Cards for the NEXO NX242 processors, allowing access to the latest parameters and filtering for GEO T.

“The pink noise spectrum analysis charts I made of each GeoT cabinet were practically identical, even after 7 years of rock ‘n’ roll use in extreme conditions,” commented Scott, who also provided training for NEXO’s NS-1 design software, and advanced training in concert system operation and tuning.

“We are famous for our sound!” Log remarks with a big smile.  “We have the biggest bands and the best rock ‘n’ roll sound in Indonesia.”

And his sound engineers agree.  Irwan Nut and Moch Ramdhani are Log Sound’s head engineers and, between them, they mixed all the bands in the 12 hour concert, including headline Indonesian groups – BOOMERANG and JAMRUD.  FOH Engineer Irwan Nut tells Scott:  “We love the GEO T system, it’s the best!  The HF is clean and crisp and the CD18s are so powerful, the complete system is controllable and very easy to mix on.  And we have all enjoyed the benefits of NEXO’s support and training.”

The stages went up in true relaxed Asian style: just 20 hours before the start, only one stage was completed and one PA tower, a situation that would have most systems engineers pulling out what’s left of their hair.  “I have enough confidence in NS-1 design and the ease witih which GEO T can be rigged so there is no need to worry.  I know I can have a full cluster flown and positioned in minutes,” says Scott.

The Log Zhelebour Empire stretches from Artist Management / Album Recording Production / Concert Promotion, and Production Management, which includes Log Staging / Log Lighting, and is fronted by Log Sound.  Log Sound’s GEO T system is not only used for large rock concerts; recently it was deployed for the Presidential address in Jakarta.