A new level of versatility in subwoofers


Omni or cardioid. Install or touring. NEXO draws on its ever-growing experience of low frequency sound to develop technology that further raises both the standards and application capabilities of subwoofers.


NEXO’s CD gradient subwoofers set new levels of directional control and SPL output. Now NEXO RAY SUBs raise those standards yet higher to deliver unprecedented control over low frequency directivity, and unrivalled flexibility in install and touring applications.


System Design

Designing and configuring the perfect system including RS Subs is easy using free NS-1 software – a powerful and intuitive system configuration and simulation tool with an intuitive drag and drop interface, ensuring uniform SPL coverage of any NEXO system in any venue.



NEXO’s patent pending RAY SUB Technology is based on optimising the positioning and phase relationships of radiating surfaces in vented enclosures, permitting acoustic distance from rear to front sections to always increase as frequency decreases.



NEXO’s RS sub bass technology is available in two model variants, the 2X15” RS15 and 2×18” RS18.



From Bumpers to wheelboards, a comprehensive range of accessories makes it easy to deploy RS subs in a wide variety of applications.


Power & Processing

NEXO NUAR and NXAMP feature preset processing selection for every NEXO cabinet, providing a Plug & Play combined amplification and processing solution for systems incorporating RS subs.


Docs & Downloads

The place to get RS brochures, datasheets, manuals, drawings, exploded views and hi-resolution system images.



From the fields of Glastonbury to downtown Shah Alam, check out RS worldwide news or filter for your region and application.


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